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The Castle Builders of Wales


Other Important Characters

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Below you'll find information about some of the people important to Welsh medieval and pre-medieval history. The information by no means pretends to be detailed, but rather simply gives a general idea why these particular people had a bearing on Welsh history. If anyone would like to contribute a more detailed biography of someone they see (or don't see) here, please contact me at jltbalt1@verizon.net

Welsh Castle Builders

Norman Castle Builders

Rhodri the Great (d.878) (Welsh Language Page) Medieval Kings of England and their Times
Hywel Dda (the Good) (d.950) (Welsh Language Page) William Fitz Osbern
Gruffydd ap Llywelyn (d.1063) (Welsh Language Page) William Marshal
Gruffydd ap Cynan (d.1137) (Welsh Language Page) Roger of Montgomery
Owain Gwynedd (d.1170) (Welsh Language Page) William de Braose
Rhys ap Gruffydd (d.1197) (Welsh Language Page) Richard fitz Gilbert de Clare
Llywelyn Fawr (the Great) (d.1240) (Welsh Language Page) Gilbert de Clare
Gryffydd ap Llywelyn (d.1244) (Welsh Language Page) Roger Mortimer
Llywelyn ap Gruffydd (the Last) (d.1282) (Welsh Language Page) The Mortimers and Narberth Castle
Owain Lawgoch (d.1378) (Welsh Language Page) Edward I (article I)
Owain Glyndwr (d.1415?) (Welsh Language Page) Edward I (article II)
Gerald of Wales James of St. George
Sir Rhys ap Thomas
Sir John Perrot
William ap Thomas

Below: statue of Llywelyn the Great at Conwy.


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